1102 results

This first fieldwork session was exploratory, aiming at launching a research programme concerning island vulnerability in the atoll states of Maldives and Kiribati.

This project demonstrates beach EbA at eroding beaches on Abaiang atoll, Kiribati, in cooperation with local communities, to extend their adaptive capacity to climate change and climate variability.

direct link to Kiribati's data on the GBIF records

These regulations are called the **Phoenix Islands Protected Area Regulations**

Kiribati 20 year vision development plan known as the KV20. The KV20 is Kiribati’s long term development blueprint for the period 2016-2036.

Provided by Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development in the Environment and Conservation Division

Redlist Category for Kiribati

direct link to all species occurrences in Kiribati on the GBIF records...

Maximizing benefits from the ocean - Tarawa serves as a good example of the perceived values of the ocean.

Marine Spatial Planning is an integrated and participatory planning process and tool that seeks to balance ecological, economic, and social objectives, aiming for sustainable marine resource use and prosperous blue economies.
This atlas is part of MACBIO’s support to its partner countries’ marine spatial planning processes. These processes aim to balance uses with the need to effectively manage and protect the rich natural capital upon which those uses rely.

The MACBIO project provides technical support in identifying and highlighting the values of marine and coastal resources and their ecosystem services. Once values are more visible, governments and stakeholders can plan and manage resources more sustainably, and maintain economic and social benefits of marine and coastal biodiversity in the medium and long term.

This online interactive atlas is complimented by both a hard copy and e-atlas

The collections were made on the northern portion or" the island in the vicinity of the "Main Camp" and airport, as indicated on the map.