The full global assessment can be downloaded from the GCRMN website.
This report on the State of the Climate in South-West Pacific 2020 is the first of its kind for this region and a milestone multi-agency effort to deliver informed climate analysis and climate change trends.
Circular cover letter that was sent out on 1st December 2021
Proposed Project Objective: Enhanced use of data for decision making in the environment sector throughout the Pacific region. Building on the tools and momentum the Inform project established, this scaled up project will expand the user base and fill significant gaps including in situ monitoring, increased partnerships between the environment ministries and other ministries, increase use of spatial tools, and the establishment of standardise environmental standards and key indicators for key resources.
Focusing management efforts on thermal refugia may only be effective in the short-term. Promoting adaptation to higher temperatures and facilitating migration will instead be needed to secure coral reef survival.
The study indicated that the sampling locations at an industrial site of Suva City is highly predominated with almost all of the studied metals and is a concern to the general public who live and work within the vicinity of Walu Bay industrial area.
At present in the Fiji Islands, no guidelines are available only for biological parameters for receiving water bodies commonly used for recreational activities. The ANZECC (2000) guidelines recommend the use of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Enterococci (Faecal Coliforms) as indicator organisms for fecal contamination of fresh and marine recreational water. This study compiled results for 3 biological parameters, namely, Total Coliforms (TC), E. coli and Faecal Coliforms (FC) at 3 sites in Fiji, namely; My Suva park, Wailea settlement and Centre Point.
Pacific Network for Environmental Assessment
The SPREP ID map is a high resolution (1MB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The SPREP ID map is low resolution (200KB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The map is high resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The map is low resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
By the end of this module, you should be able to have some basic understanding of
- What a GIS is?
- Understand the key components and functions of a GIS
- Understand how spatial data is represented in a GIS.
- Understand how data are stored and accessed to use in mapping