17 results

Maximizing benefits from the ocean - Tarawa serves as a good example of the perceived values of the ocean.

… As a regional plan, PACPLAN applies only to spills where regional …
… The action plan sets out the policy context and key actions to minimize …

Providing the ten steps to a healthier ocean and stronger economy.

The purpose of the PLA (Participatory Learning and Action) was mainly to exchange information at the community level and discuss issues and potential low cost solutions to address root causes of waste issues.

Marine Spatial Planning is an integrated and participatory planning process and tool that seeks to balance ecological, economic, and social objectives, aiming for sustainable marine resource use and prosperous blue economies.
This atlas is part of MACBIO’s support to its partner countries’ marine spatial planning processes. These processes aim to balance uses with the need to effectively manage and protect the rich natural capital upon which those uses rely.

Maine Pollution Analysis spatial planning purse seine incidents

… part of multidisciplinary efforts to develop a management plan for the Tarawa lagoon. … pdf … 84 …

A major objective of this report was to develop a regional assessment of Pacific Island sensitivity to projected climate change as a component of the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) program

… values are more visible, governments and stakeholders can plan and manage resources more sustainably, and maintain …

Research for this study was carried out under a two-year project to support the implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) at two catchment-to-reef sites on Vanua Levu, Fiji, during which conservation planning approaches were trialled using EBM tools to evaluate options for re-designing marine protected area (MPA) network

The ESIA documents contain the policy and legal framework, details of the proposed project component, baseline environmental and social data, potential environmental and social impacts of the project and their mitigation measures. They also introduce the environmental management measures, environmental and social management plans (ESMP) and TORs for environmental specialists/officers of the contractors as well as the methods and results of the community engagement process. A grievance redress mechanism is also described

… Region, and represents the legal framework of the Action Plan for managing the Natural Resources and Environment of …
… loss of biological diversity, as set out in the Strategic Plan of the Convention and endorsed by the World Summit on …