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25 June 2021 | dataset

Tarawa green bag scheme

This dataset holds two reports

* draft document outlining the operation and progress of a scheme that trialed waste collection in Tarawa which involved the free distribution of green garbage bags for collection by the Tarawa council.

* An assessment of the impact of the South Tarawa Greenbag scheme on the life of the Nanikai landfill.

Data and Resource

The impact of the Greenbag on waste generation in South Tarawa

Assessing the impact of the South Tarawa…

Field Value
Publisher Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
Release Date
Identifier a9e40b9b-536b-4578-846d-e1e429524e5f
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tarawa, Kiribati
Relevant Countries Kiribati
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author International Waters Programme Kiribati and PCU