Draft report of the Regional Inform Meeting held August 2019 for comments from meeting participants
The guide seeks to rekindle debate and discussion about the value of freedom of information laws, as well as to provide a practical roadmap for their introduction, where necessary.
The guide is in three parts.
Part 1 traces developments in the field across the Pacific
Part 2 examines the principles necessary to underpin sound freedom of information laws.
Part 3 identifies 13 key elements needed for proper and effective freedom of information legislation.
This guide helps communities understand the pressures people may place on beaches and suggests how natural processes or ecosystem based approaches can be used can encourage sand to come back and stay put.
The Multi-national Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) is a coalition of over 30 countries dedicated to producing high-resolution topographic vector data throughout high interest areas of the world. Data is extracted from high resolution imagery in 1° x 1° cells at a scale of 1:50 000. All data produced must meet a minimum horizontal circular error accuracy of 25m and meet MGCP Technical Reference Documentation (TRD) specifications, which details extraction guidelines and feature catalogues to ensure consistency.
The geospatial industry is a growing industry all over the world and here in the Pacific, there exists a hub (magazine) for women to collaborate, support, STEM and promote the profession to girls in school.
FUGRO has sponsored the printing of this magazine to enable the distribution of “Pacific Women in Geospatial” to the girls and women in remote areas that have limited access to the internet.
The Database of Island Invasive Species Eradications (DIISE) attempts to compile all historical and current invasive vertebrate eradication projects on islands. The vast majority of the dataset is focused on invasive mammals. Data gathered from each project includes island location and characteristics, details about the eradication including focal species, methods and outcome, plus links and or contact details for learning more about the project.
A collection of Inform project training materials. You are free to download and use any of the training resources below. The PowerPoint presentations contain a complete set of slides, so please feel free to copy, delete or change slides, to fit the purpose of your country training.
Comprehensive assessment of the risks and impacts of seabed mining on marine ecosystems by Fauna and Flora International.
This study by WorldFish assesses the local impacts of logging on food security, fisheries and well-being in Malaita.
This dataset contains templates of policies and MoU's on data sharing.
You can download the Word-templates and adapt the documents to your national context.
This project has developed sub-regional bioregionalisations for the western-south Pacific Ocean, through expert workshops and novel statistical analysis of physical and biological data. This combines approaches CSIRO developed in Australia, used in the Bay of Bengal (in collaboration with BOBLME) with similar approaches that have been used throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans to derive a single combined bioregionalisation.
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management. The WDPA is a joint project between UN Environment and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Pacific Factsheet on ocean acidification, briefly covering how it links to SDGs
Pacific environments require global commitments to sustainable consumption and production because waste and pollution produced elsewhere is transported into and impacts the Pacific region. This factsheet highlights briefly the consumption and production practices that affect Pacific environments and species directly and indirectly
Fact Sheet - Pacific tourism depends on healthy marine ecosystems for aesthetic appeal and for the ecosystem services that support human occupation. This fact sheet links it to SDGs and brief background info on how the Pacific island countries face challenges in planning for sustainable development of infrastructure as well as sea and land uses related to tourism
This “Reference Manual” is the No. 3 of the FAO Pacific Farm Management and Marketing Series. Its content is based on material developed for FAO funded technical cooperation projects in Vanuatu, Palau, Fiji and Papua New Guinea as well as material prepared by the Agriculture Management, Marketing and Finance Service (AGSF) at FAO Headquarters, Rome. It is designed to help trainers and advisors guide small farmers in their efforts to grow and market their agriculture so as to earn more cash from their labor, their land and their capital
This study first presents the general knowledge on shark exploitation and vulnerability. Then, the status of coastal shark fisheries in the Pacific Islands is addressed from the angle of the data available for this region and on the basis of information collected through a questionnaire that was sent to the fisheries department of the Pacific countries. In the last part, prospects for management and regulation are discussed.
This document represents a synthesis of the expertise, knowledge and views of leading experts in marine protected area (MPA) network design and implementation. It is intended to be useful to countries and their various organizations in helping them build effective networks of MPAs. Not only does it provide a wealth of real-life examples from around the globe, it outlines the steps necessary to turn political ambitions into reality.
This paper provides information on degradable plastics and is intended to provide guidance on potential mechanisms for achieving reductions in plastic bag consumption. It is anticipated that this paper can be used in the Pacific region as a source of information, when trying to devise a strategy for dealing with plastic bags.
A series of publication on the status of coral reefs of the world